In order to provide its services in the USA at its best, FBR ELPO S.p.A. has established FbrElpo North America, Inc, based in Charlotte, North Carolina.
The new American reality is already operational and can offer its commercial and after-sales services directly to the North America.
The machines will still be manufactured at the Italian factory, thus guaranteeing the “Made in Italy” and the quality that has always characterized FBR ELPO products.
The geographical position and the excellent logistics connections from “Charlotte Douglas International Airport” allow all areas of North America to be reached in optimal times.
FbrElpo North America, Inc. is new reference point for all North America.
Through this new company, Customers will be able to receive commercial and technical information concerning our machines, equipment and complete lines for tomato and fruit processing and aseptic filling.
The lines consist of machines for the product receiving and sorting section, hot break and cold break enzymatic inactivators, juice extraction groups, evaporators, pan concentrators, dicers and peelers, sterilizers and aseptic fillers.
The single machines and the complete processing lines are carefully defined to ensure more delicacy in processing, more adaptability to quantities, attention to consumption and sustainability.
FbrElpo North America, Inc. is also a reference point for technical assistance and training of its Customers’personnel.
Technical interventions and maintenances are agreed with the customers, combining preventive maintenance works and periodical checks of the condition of every machine or the complete lines.
The Spare Parts Department ensures the availability of spare parts in short times.
FbrElpo North America, Inc.’s team also provides personnel training on site, to allow the use of machines and systems installed independently and safely.
A solid and organized after-sales service, that constantly assists its customers after the plant purchase.